Myths and Science

Myths and science are two condescending conceptions in which incorporation of time is the most valuable commodity. Myths are created through generations of family and community members passing down stories from their respected elders. Science, on the other hand, is like a fine wine, as generations of people study their environment it only gets better. Robert Caneiro portrays an interesting opinion on why communities of people believe what they believe and fail to comprehend true origin and science.
Upon reading this article, I was left in thought about the true origin of these myths. Not which group of people believed what, but who actually started the legend. Myths have to start somewhere with someone, just as life started 3 and a half billion years ago. Additionally, members of a certain religion or following ever question these theories?
I feel like myths are important to society, they are still discussed today for a reason. We get a glimpse of what it was like to live in the past with no clue what the world really is around us. These people truly believe there is a superpower above them who would cry when it rains or shine a shield to Earth to make spectacular light in the night sky. It enables us to stop and take a minute to realize how far the human species has truly come.
It is almost a bit disheartening to learn about science. To learn that we evolved from the various animals that we share the world with, and did not come from some superpower above, can make one question their faith. The Roman Catholics fully supported science until it came to evolution. Evolution essentially went against almost everything the church is preaching. I am sure that if societies from these medieval and even present times were convinced on these scientific facts the course of the world would take a slightly different turn. If science was a known fact from birth, would religion still exist? I am a Catholic and do have belief in a higher power, but I have my own beliefs just as you have yours. It is just interesting to think how the world would be if science was not learned it was understood.

Response Criticizing E. O. Wilson