Author Archives: jafi6741

Ch 6 + 7

Chapter 6 revolves around picking apart modern advertisements and attempts to reveal their true motivations.  People are constantly persuaded into purchasing products that will make them fit in with what is considered current.  Products that are advertised as green and sustainable are normally the most widely accepted, but these businesses simply use these terms as positive adjectives to improve their products visual worth.  Just because American Spirit cigarettes are “natural” does not at all make them any more healthy for a smoker, nor does it make those cigarette butts any more degradable.  As human nature, we want to fit in, and succumbing to the false realities of advertisements is the best example of this.  Chapter 7 brought up a very interesting point regarding our attachment to certain animals.  Some people connect certain animal behavioral patterns with themselves, ultimately resulting in a loving attraction to some and a dislike of others.  I guess this goes along with why some people like cats and some people like dogs, or similarly with any other animal.